keeping our clinic and our community safe
covid-19 measures for hygiene & sanitation
Updated: 13th October 2022
We are continually monitoring the situation and the health advice provided by governing bodies; changes will be made accordingly.
We continue to operate in accordance with the governments hygiene guidelines, along with our own strict practices.
These practices include:
Cleaning of wipeable treatment table/pillow cover between patients with detergent.
Towels/linen disposed in linen basket after each use.
Cleaning of high touch services at regular intervals, i.e. chairs, tables, benches, door handles, EFTPOS machine, pens with TGA approved Cassa BioTech Sanitising Spray, which creates as an anti-microbial nano barrier that protects surfaces up to 30 days.
Cleaning of bathroom facilities regularly with well stocked soap and paper towels.
Social distancing in the waiting room. Please be mindful of others and maintain advised 1.5m where possible.
Cough screen present at reception desk.
Patients to not attend appointment if experiencing any flu-like symptoms,
Patients to not attend if they have tested positive to COVID-19 in past 7 days.
Telehealth appointments available for anyone who is feeling uncomfortable about coming into the clinic or who is unwell.
Please sanitise on entry and exit.
Pre-screening performed to assess patients health and risk factors for COVID -19.
Contactless temperature testing may taken on entry. Any patients with readings of 37.5 or over will be asked to wait outside and be retested after a couple of minutes. If there is no change to the reading on retesting, they will need to reschedule.
Masks - to be worn by patients and practitioners. Please contact the clinic prior to your appointment if you are unable to wear a mask.
PPE - level 2 surgical masks are worn by practitioners, along with safety glasses during treatment as per government guidelines.
HEPA air filters present in the waiting room and Osteopathic treatment rooms.
Contactless payment.
Ensuring our staff are in good health. If a staff member is unwell, they are to not attend and are directed to be tested if experiencing any flu-like symptoms.
Welcome tea has been removed from the waiting area, along with cushions, children's toys, colouring in and magazines.
We appreciate your understanding and support to provide a safe environment for our staff and patients. If you have any questions or concerns please call the clinic and we can discuss it further.